Thursday, April 5, 2012

My theme is showing the dark side of war through monuments. Is making monuments to "honor" fallen soldiers actually meant to glorify death and war? The pictures I took takes a different view on the American viewpoint of war.

I chose this theme because when I went to these memorials, I felt like we were not honoring our fallen soldiers, but glorifying death and war. To me, monuments to war aren't always held in a good light, sometimes they're held in a darker light. Monuments are usually made to honor people or events, so I thought it would be awesome if I contrasted what monuments stereotypically stand for and what they could stand for.

In order to achieve the feel I wanted, I used lighting and mood to show the darker side to war. I also used the rule of thirds to emphisize certain points, as well as using space/figures.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

 I kind of want to make this a collage (the above image) and have words on the other side.

 I'm going to replace the actual person with another actual person but in a better postition.

This is my game plan with a few tweeks that I still need to do. I need to take pics of actual people dressed in uniform (not really in the army).
I'm actually kind of nervous about my pictures. I'm not sure if they're ok but oh well! I need to edit a few more pics and post them so hang with me!